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Posted by: emilio
Playmodes and MID, 2014

«Axial» is an audiovisual immersive space. Through the digital manipulation of 16 motorized light beams, dynamic light architectures are created, which evolve in space and time, creating alive forms. Sound designs of the piece are unlinkable from dynamic lighting, as it belongs to the same logical system, giving birth to sound geom,etries, sound and light architectures which surround the audience in a dance of light. Axial was part of LlumBCN festival. Barcelona, Febraury 2014. To see the teaser video check : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAZf6c… PlayMID is the junction of Playmodes [http://www.playmodes.com] and MID [http://www.mediainteractivedesign.com]